March 22, 2013

The Best Places To Buy Children's Books

Unless I'm looking for a specific title that I need ASAP, children's books are something in our house (along with many other items) that I almost never buy new.  Most used children's books out there are actually in good condition and would do well in a second (or third or fourth!) home.  Here are some great places to buy them, just to name a few:

-Kids resale shops: This is probably my least favorite, as they tend to be on the "pricier" side of the lot, which still isn't pricey considering you'll probably pay around $2.00 per book.

-Kids resale events: Most places have kids resale events a couple times per year.  These tend to have a large selection and decent prices.  Some events even have a half-price day.  Just Between Friends (with locations almost everywhere) usually puts on a good one.  You can find other consignment shops & sales using Consignment Mommies or Kids Consignment Sales.

-Moms groups: If you belong to a mom's group or have a group of moms that meet up every once in a while, why not organize a children's book swap within your group? Tell members to bring 5 or so books that their kids no longer want or read, and everyone can go home with 5 new ones.

-Libraries: Most libraries have a "used book store" where they place books that they no longer need in circulation.  I've seen prices range from $0.25 - $1.00 per book.

-Goodwill / Savers / any other thrift store: These places are great because they tend to have a large selection for a very inexpensive price, with most around $0.25-$1.00 per book.

-Garage / Estate Sales: Another great place to find children's books.  Most people sell them for $0.10 - $1.00 per book, and most sellers will bargain with you if you ask!

Where do you buy your children's books?  

Photo: A Musing Mama

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